Two the 9's Transforming Designs

Platinum Gold Posh Chalk Precious Pigments


Availability: 2 in stock

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Posh Chalk coatings

These are a range of luxury coatings released by WoodUbend under their Posh Chalk label. After two years in development and testing, these coatings exhibit some unique properties that offer superb enhancement of your crafting projects. Try them, and be amazed at the range of effects that can be created.

The Metallic Smooth Pastes, available in 14 colors, have a wide range of uses, with many more waiting to be discovered by you. Developed specifically to complement the WoodUbend range of mouldings, they can also be used to make a surface wash, or raised stenciling (a little like thermographic inks), or applied to wall panels – again, use heat to achieve a deeper texture and greater tactility.…the applications are endless. Not only are they quick and easy to apply with a palette knife, but they bring another dimension to your workpiece. By simply adding heat, you will see your paste jump right out at you.

PRO TIP:: mix these babies with water and watch them glide across your surface.

The Textured Pastes, in a range of 3 colors, have an added grain to allow for greater texture-building in a project. They provide further and more exaggerated textures and effects than do the Smooth Pastes.

Applied in a similar manner to the Posh Chalk Smooth Pastes, the Textured Pastes can be used for raised stenciling, or even as a base layer to create a great texture to your piece.

PRO TIP:: When totally dry, Posh Chalk Textured Paste is as tough as diamonds! Ain’t nothing scratchin’ that off!

Weight .50 lbs


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